
Welcome to the Annette Perry Library!

I look forward to sharing my love of books with all the Perry Falcons! Plus we have amazing learning activities in our library with our Makerspace Lab. Stay up to date with all the amazing things happening in our library by following our Annette Perry Class Dojo. 

Kristen Hendrix, MLS
Teacher Librarian

Our librarian, Kristen Hendrix, was named Mansfield ISD's Elementary Teacher of the Year for the 2022-2023 school year. To read more about her achievement, click here.

You can search for books available for check out, including eBooks for reading at home.  Just choose Annette Perry from school list. Destiny Discover 

Students username is their student id number. Their password is their last name in all lowercase letters as it appears in Skyward.

Library Schedule 24-25
Library Mission Statement
MISD Library Vision 2030