April Parent Volunteers

Morning Car-Rider Drop-off Duty (Dads Club)

Our Dads Club invites all father-figures to sign-up and volunteer to help our CAMP teachers with Car-Rider Drop-Off duties which is helping direct traffic, unload students from cars, make sure students walk towards the correct doors of the building entrance, and direct cars when to drive away. Select this link to sign-up for the upcoming opportunities.


Parent Volunteers for Lunch and Recess Duties

Did you know that you can volunteer for lunch and/or recess duty for your kid's lunch and recess? Yes, you certainly can, and we'd love to have you volunteer. There will always be a teacher present to lead the way. If you can volunteer, please select one or both of the links below to sign up.

  1. Lunch Duty Volunteer Sign-Up
  2. Recess Duty Volunteer Sign-Up
  3. Video from the Principal about this very thing.


If you have not completed a background check with our school or school district this school year, please do so by scrolling to bottom of this News and Notes and selection the link under Volunteer Background Check. You can verify if you completed this already by emailing elisamedina@misdmail.org or calling our front office 817-804-2800.